"Handmade Candy"

On December 26, 2023, teacher of technological subjects O. V. Under the leadership of Kononova, students of group 427 Yaminskaya L., Merk D. and Garaja A. A master-class on preparation of "Handmade candy" was held for 117 group 1st year students majoring in "Technology".

The purpose of the master class is for the participants to master the art of making tasty and beautifully decorated handmade candies, revealing the techniques and secrets of professional confectionary skills.

Students learned what chocolate is, tempering methods and discovered the secrets of chocolate making. At the end of the master class, the participants tasted.

Also, the event was attended by college teachers and industrial training masters, deputy director for education and training M.A. E.A. Kalgenova, Methodist T. A. Shayakhmetova participated.