Honoring the hero of the day Bukatin V.V.

On November 17, 2017, in the assembly hall of the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economics College, the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Bukatin V.V., who worked as the director of the Construction and Economics College from 1984 to 2002, was held. In honor of the hero of the day, a concert was organized with the invitation of honored guests - Litvinenko V.V., Shatkovsky M.L., Kukhar V.A., Chufarova V.V., Radchenko K.V.

Congratulations to the owner of the anniversary VV Bukatin.

On November 17, 2017, the 80th anniversary of V.V. Bukatin, who worked as the director of Petropavl University of Construction and Economics from 1984 to 2002, was celebrated in the assembly hall of the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College. A concert was organized in honor of the owner of the anniversary, in which V.V. Litvinenko, M.L. Shatkovsky, V.A. Kukhar, V.V. Chufarov, K.V. Radchenko were the guests of honor. was invited.

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