"Eternal youth of the country - "Surge-2050" to the industry

In his Address to the people of Kazakhstan, the President of the country paid great attention to the state program "Digital Kazakhstan" and the development of the construction sector. As part of the implementation of the Message, the defense of graduation projects at the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College in the specialty "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" this year, for the first time in our region, took place online. The live broadcast allowed social partners, teachers and parents to assess the quality of projects and the level of knowledge of students.

On March 1, 2018, the college awarded diplomas to graduates of the construction department. For the first time this year, our educational institution graduated a group with the state language of instruction under the program “Mangilik ate zhastary - industry “Serpin-2050”, in the amount of 20 people. The quality of knowledge in defending diploma projects among graduates in this program was 100%. During the event, social partners of the college: director of Osnovanie LLP Sergey Petrovich Timofeev and head of the representative office of the Republican Center for State Urban Planning and Cadastre Imanov Marat Serikpaevich presented the graduates with vouchers with an invitation to work.

The high level of knowledge of students of the construction department is confirmed by their participation and victories in the Republican competition “Meni Shyndagan Serpin”, in which student of the construction department Erubay Erkebulan took an honorable 2nd place in the “Brickwork” competency. And the participation of students of the department in the National Championship WSK-2017, where in the competence of “Bricklaying” our region was represented by a graduate of the construction department Shishkin Roman, who became the winner of the National Championship WorldSkills Kazakhstan -2017 and in the international championship “WorldSkills Competition 2017”, which was held in the city of Abu -Dabi.