"Dynamics 2050 the college was visited by the head of the national project"

"Dynamics 2050 the college was visited by the head of the national project"

For the third year in a row, students from the region with a large number of able-bodied people are studying at the Petropavl University of Construction and Economics, their number is 81 people. Future specialists are getting education in construction, accounting and technological departments.

2017 жылдың 6 қарашасында «Серпін-2050» ұлттық жобасы басқармасының бастығы Күлзия Қадірқызы Тобатаевнамен кездесу өтті.

In her speech, Kulziya Kadirovna said that many young people are attracted by the issues of scholarships, housing and further employment, therefore, within the framework of this project, students have the opportunity to continue their education at higher educational institutions. "This project is becoming popular and will continue its work in this direction. It is planned to further increase the number of grands," said Kulzia Kadirovna. At the end of the meeting, students received answers to their interesting questions.

Кездесу экскурсиямен жалғасты. Онда Күлзия Қадірқызына оқу аудиториялары, спортзал, асхана, сонымен қатар жатақхана көрсетілген болатын.

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