"The book is looking for friends"

The library of the Higher Construction and Economic College invites staff and students to take part in the Book Exchange Action - BOOKCROSSING "The book is looking for friends."
The Traveling Books Library is located in the College Reading Room and Dormitory Lounge.
Promotion rules:
No reader form needed here
Books are free from numbers and ciphers
You are free to choose a book
…and in the timing of its reading
After reading the book, return it to its place
Bring any other book in return (optional)

Perhaps there are books on your bookshelf that you would like to share. Free books from useless idle on the shelves!
You can bring your own books and borrow others, free of charge.
Let every book find its reader, and let every person find HIS book!
Everyone can contribute to the process of book crossing - bring here the read book, so that from here it starts an exciting journey, finding new readers.
Books can be borrowed without recording and kept for reading or passed on to friends.

#Action# Bookcrossing
#Book exchange