"Cut. Calculation and drawing of the staircase area"

In accordance with the work plan of the methodological cyclical commission of construction disciplines, as well as in order to improve pedagogical skills, the teacher of special (construction) disciplines Rustem Erkenovich Abilov on November 23, 2023 "Cut. He held an open lesson in group 313 on the subject "Design of buildings and constructions" on the topic "Calculation and drawing of the staircase area".

The purpose of the lesson: to create nodes and details of structural elements of civil buildings.

The lesson took place within the framework of practical work, where students should build a staircase according to the parameters given in the program "COMPASS 3D" according to the given task.

Teacher Abilov R. E. used questionnaires to support students' participation in class, drew students' attention to the important moments of practical tasks. During the implementation of students' practical work, he supported the students to achieve their educational goals, as well as noted the students' achievements.

College methodologist T. A. Shayakhmetova, teachers of the Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering, young teachers participated. It was noted that students' correct execution and formalization of practical work in the "COMPASS 3D" program, as well as the calculation algorithm, achieved the goals and objectives of the lesson.