"Wise thinker of the field"

On February 1, the staff of the college library, together with the central city library named after I. Shuhov, held a historical portrait "Wise thinker of the field" dedicated to the 360th anniversary of the birth of the great Kazakh dancer - Tole bi Alibekuly @shuhov_kitapkhana.

The purpose of the event is to promote the activities of the great politician Tole Bi, to introduce the young generation to his biography and oratory.

During the event, the presenter told about the biography of the outstanding Kazakh social and political figure, diplomat, orator, one of the authors of the "Seven Charters" law collection, great hundred dance, his activities in state affairs, fair decisions in disputes. The video "Tole bi - a very outstanding public figure" was shown, where it was told about the special and legendary activity of Tole bi, along with other great dancers, Kazybek bi and Aiteke bi, who made a great contribution to the struggle for freedom and independence of the Kazakh people.

Students listened with great interest to the historical description of the Tole dance, asked active questions on this topic, and actively participated in the quiz on the topic "Great dances".