
14 февраля – Международный день дарения книг. Уважаемые читатели! Приглашаем вас принять участие в акции «Кітапханаға кітап сыйла! Подари библиотеке книгу!», посвященной Международному дню книгодарения. Это один из самых молодых праздников в календаре. Международный день дарения книг (International Book Giving Day) отмечается ежегодно, начиная с 2012 года. Он объединяет всех, кто не только любит книги, но и другим дарит возможность почитать. Часто бывает, что давно прочитанные издания «скучают» и тихо стареют на полках домашних библиотек. Многие из них в еще очень хорошем состоянии. У таких книг может появиться вторая жизнь, если они попадут на библиотечные полки. Книжные дары ещё не раз доставят удовольствие читателям! К счастью, очень много людей понимают и ценят книгу как предмет не только материальной, а, в первую очередь, духовной ценности, ценят те чувства и эмоции, которые дарит читателю автор. Книги учат добру, дружбе, взаимопомощи, любви к ближнему, чувству сопереживания и многому тому, что помогает человеку стать настоящим человеком. На сегодняшний день идейные вдохновители продвижения и популяризации книги и праздника добились своей цели: книга по-прежнему любима, а праздник носит международный характер. Идея проводимой акции – встреча читателей, обмен читательским опытом, а также возможность подарить положительные эмоции себе, своим друзьям и даже тем, кого вы не знаете – читателям библиотеки. Ждем от вас в дар книги разных жанров и по различной тематике, а также издания на казахском, русском, английском и других языках. Подаренная Вами книга пополнит наш фонд и дойдет до каждого читателя. Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к этой необычной акции и стать очевидцами интересных сюрпризов. Место проведения: Библиотека Время проведения: с 14 февраля по 29 февраля 2024 года

As part of the Republican campaign “One Country – One Book”, a book and illustrated exhibition “Shygarmashylyk tagyrlar murasy” was organized in the college reading room. Heritage of creative destinies”, dedicated to the works of the outstanding Kazakh writer, classic of children's literature - Berdibek Sokpakbayev, whose 100th anniversary is included in the UNESCO Calendar of Memorable Dates.

The purpose of the action is to promote domestic literature, preserve historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, moral and patriotic education of youth, and respect for the native language.

Sokpakbaev Berdibek Ydyrysovich (10/15/1924 – 06/24/1991) – Kazakh children’s writer, poet, screenwriter.B. Sokpakbaev was involved in journalism a lot, worked in the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines “Kazakh Adebieti”, “Baldyrgan”. He was an editor at the Kazakhfilm film studio. He was always concerned about issues of pedagogy and children's education. Much in the works of Berdibek Sokpakbaev is taken from the life of the author. Berdibek Sokpakbaev became most famous for his story “Menin atym Kozha” (“My name is Kozha”). It was published by the Children's Literature publishing house, and then from Russian it was translated into 68 languages ​​of the world and published abroad. The film of the same name, based on the author's script, was awarded a prize at the Cannes International Film Festival. The writer’s works are based on childhood and adolescence – that time about which each of us has the warmest and most vivid memories and dreams, and to which we often return in our minds. So let's once again plunge into this magical world through the books of Berdibek Sokpakbaev!

The library of the Higher College of Construction and Economics invites staff and students to take part in the Book Exchange Campaign - BOOKCROSSING “A Book is Looking for Friends.” The library of traveling books is located in the college reading room and hostel common room. Promotion rules: • No reader form required here • Books are free from numbers and codes • You are free to choose a book • ...and the timing of its reading • After reading a book, return it to its place • Bring any other book in return (optional) Perhaps there are books on your bookshelf that you would like to share. Free books from useless idleness on shelves! You can bring your own books and borrow others, completely free. Let every book find its reader, and let every person find HIS book! Everyone can contribute to the book crossing process - bring here a book they have read, so that from here it can begin an exciting journey, finding new readers. Books can be borrowed without registration and kept for reading or passed on to friends.

@bibl_vsek #Action "Read books about the war"

Every day the heroic and tragic years of the Great Patriotic War are getting further and further away from us. The memory of that terrible war must be preserved, passed down from generation to generation. Reading books helps not to interrupt the living thread that connects the past and the future. The further the events of the Great Patriotic War go from us, the more valuable works of art become - evidence of the pages of our history.

The college library hosts an action "Read books about the war."

The purpose of the action: the education of patriotic feelings among the younger generation on the example of the best examples of fiction about the Great Patriotic War.

Library staff invites everyone to read the poems and prose of wartime writers.

As part of the implementation of the "Reading College" concept, the library of the Higher Construction and Economic College announces a Promotion on the topic: "What does the curator read?".

The purpose of the action: to attract the attention of students to reading books recommended by the curator of the group.

The curator of the group gives information about the book read - the author and title, talks about how he liked this book, why he recommends it for reading, gives interesting points, quotes from the book.

After reading this book, students from the group of the curator-participant collect material about the book they read and design posters or booklets, posters, presentations that are hung out in the college. During the campaign, an exhibition with books recommended for reading by group curators is arranged in the library.

The promotion period is from January 25 to March 15, 2023.

At the end of the action, the most active group and the curator are awarded.

@bibl_vsek Independence Day is the main national holiday of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Republic of Kazakhstan is a young independent state; during this period, significant large-scale state transformations took place in the country.

In Kazakhstan, the support of literacy and reading is among the state and public priorities; “a reading person” is a value that is not subject to change during any historical events, and a reading society remains an unconditional condition for a democratic society.

On the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and as part of the implementation of the “Reading College” Concept, a flash mob “Reading is not harmful, not reading is harmful!” was held at the Higher Construction and Economic College.

The purpose of the action: education of a sense of patriotism, love, respect and interest in the culture and historical heritage of the Kazakh people, popularization and activation of reading as an object of intellectual and spiritual and moral development of the individual.

As part of the “Reading College” concept, the Higher Construction and Economic College launched the action “Poetry as Music of the Soul” on September 23. It was attended by first-year students, united by love for the poetic word. During the day, students read their favorite poems, the immortal lines of A. Pushkin, I. Brodsky, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin, M. Tsvetaeva, M. Lermontov and other poets sounded. From the multimedia screens the voices of famous singers were heard, who performed songs based on the verses of Russian poets. The action flew by in one breath. "Poetry as the music of the soul" penetrated the hearts of all those present.

The library of the Higher Construction and Economic College invites employees and students to take part in the Book Exchange Action - BOOKCROSSING "The book is looking for friends."
The Traveling Books Library is located in the College Reading Room and Dormitory Lounge.
Promotion rules:
No reader form needed here
Books are free from numbers and ciphers
You are free to choose a book
…and in the timing of its reading
After reading the book, return it to its place
Bring any other book in return (optional)

Perhaps there are books on your bookshelf that you would like to share. Free books from useless idle on the shelves!
You can bring your own books and borrow others, free of charge.
Let every book find its reader, and let every person find HIS book!
Everyone can contribute to the process of book crossing - bring here the read book, so that from here it starts an exciting journey, finding new readers.
Books can be borrowed without recording and kept for reading or passed on to friends.

#Action# Bookcrossing
#Book exchange

@bibl_vsek The Library of the Higher Construction and Economics College invites students and college staff to take part in the BIBLIO-CROSS Promotion "I have read and advise you."

The promotion will last until March 15, 2023.

The purpose of the action is to awaken readers' interest not only in novelties of literature, but also in long-loved or undeservedly forgotten books.

Coming to the library, the reader is faced with the problem - what to read, what book to choose? Many rely on the taste of librarians, some are guided by the advice of friends or the Internet.

We give readers the opportunity to recommend books to each other.

Your task: accompany a small review of your photo with a book that you want to recommend to other readers or record a video and send it to us. And we will post your recommendation on the library page on Instagram and VKontakte, and organize a book exhibition with the most favorite books of our readers.


Dear readers!

Join us in social networks!


Instagram: @bibl_vsek


The library of the Higher Construction and Economic College invites staff and students to take part in the Book Exchange Action - BOOKCROSSING "The book is looking for friends."
The Traveling Books Library is located in the College Reading Room and Dormitory Lounge.
Promotion rules:
No reader form needed here
Books are free from numbers and ciphers
You are free to choose a book
…and in the timing of its reading
After reading the book, return it to its place
Bring any other book in return (optional)

Perhaps there are books on your bookshelf that you would like to share. Free books from useless idle on the shelves!
You can bring your own books and borrow others, free of charge.
Let every book find its reader, and let every person find HIS book!
Everyone can contribute to the process of book crossing - bring here the read book, so that from here it starts an exciting journey, finding new readers.
Books can be borrowed without recording and kept for reading or passed on to friends.

On October 22, 2021, as part of the implementation of the Republican campaign "Reading Generation-2021", a teacher of special disciplines Zelena M.A. was held Book Dating (book date) based on the story of S. King "Able student". The second-year students of the construction department took an active part in this event. The children discussed the read work in an informal setting, shared their impressions of the book. In addition, the guests of the event took part in the discussion of the work with great interest - the deputy director for educational work Byvaltseva N.V. and the head of the Linguistic Center Bektenova B.O.

Campaign "Poems in your pocket"

On the occasion of the World Poetry Day, which is celebrated on March 21, the library staff held an action "Poems in your pocket". The essence of this action is that on this day every poetry lover has his favorite poem in his pocket, which he can read everywhere: in the library, in an educational institution, at home, etc.

The action participants were handed out printed poems of the classics of Russian and Kazakh poetry on pocket size cards. Students with great pleasure read aloud the proposed verses, and someone simply took the card with them to enjoy reading poetry at home.

On the initiative of the National Academic Library and the Association of Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since 2007 every year in Kazakhstan "One country - one book" action is carried out.

On the initiative of the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Library Association of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, since 2007, a republican action has been held in Kazakhstan "One country - one book".

The purpose of the campaign is to support and develop reading culture, to preserve historical, cultural and spiritual heritage, to respect the mother tongue, to preserve spiritual heritage, and to increase the interest of young people in domestic literature.

The objectives of the action are to popularize Kazakh literature, increase public interest in reading, develop research interest in the study of the literary heritage of Kazakhstan, and also contribute to the intellectual and spiritual development of the younger generation.

In 2021, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Independence, for public education

The spiritual and cultural action "30 books for the 30th anniversary of independence" was presented.

In 2021, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the country, a spiritual and cultural action "To the 30th anniversary of Independence - 30 books" is proposed for public reading.

# neglectful175 Challenge

Petropavlovsk Construction and Economics College took part in a literary challenge - reading poems by the Kazakh poet and thinker Abai Kunanbayev.

Abai's work inspires the young generation of Kazakhstanis to serve their people, supports the desire for enlightenment and knowledge. His legacy will be passed down from generation to generation, will live through the ages...

2020 is the year of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abai Kunanbayev - a poet, educator, founder of written Kazakh literature, founder of the Kazakh literary language, philosopher, composer, translator, public figure.

The baton of reading the works of the great Abai was supported by the staff and students of the college.