"Young but not green" business game.

On May 23, 2024, the deputy director for business development E. A. Kalganova held a session of the Young Teacher School using universal coaching tools.

Type of event: "Young but not green" business game.

The purpose of the event: to support the development of professional pedagogical culture of young teachers.

During the business game, the main professional and personal qualities of a young teacher, as well as the formation of ideas about important professional qualities through modeling and team interaction were considered.

All "cafe guests" were divided into 3 groups and each team presented their ideas on the following topics:

Table 1: "The hero of our time" (image, image of a modern teacher).

Table 2: "Teacher's kitchen" (fundamentals of a successful lesson).

Table 3: "Book of complaints and recommendations" (pedagogical communication style).

During the game, young teachers developed "recipes" (ideas): image and image of a modern teacher using the "Balance Wheel" tool; Basics of a successful lesson using the "Brainstorming" method; also, using the "Lens" method, the "Book of Complaints and Recommendations" was written down the actual issues that concern them.

At the end of the session, a reflection was conducted: the work of each group was evaluated and a "Mood picture" was created.

Also, graduates of the Young Teacher School were awarded with diplomas for successfully mastering the program.