Dear colleagues, students! Happy Independence Day! I wish you health, clear skies, and lots of happiness!

Dear colleagues, students! Please accept sincere congratulations on the national holiday, Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan! In 1991, a new state appeared on the political map of the world - the Republic of Kazakhstan. 29 years ago, we, the people of Kazakhstan, under the leadership of the Leader of the Nation N.A. Nazarbayev, took a decisive step in the history of the people: we became the creators of a strong, independent state living on the principles of democracy and the rule of law.
2020 is one of the most difficult, dramatic periods in history not only for our country, but for the whole world. President K.Zh. Tokayev noted that Kazakhstanis confirmed the inviolability of the spirit of the nation, demonstrated unity and cohesion, commonality, solidarity, indifference and concern for each other. “The dangerous virus has put the health of the people, our unity to the test. We withstood this test with honor, maintaining unity and harmony,” the President said.
This holiday is considered to be a symbol of freedom and power of our state. Since gaining independence, our people have brilliantly continued the great history of Kazakhstan with new achievements and successful transformations; over the years of independence, we have achieved world recognition and progress. Today we can say with confidence that Kazakhstan has become famous in the international arena and has taken a worthy place among the world's economic systems. Let year after year our state becomes stronger, more developed and richer! I wish every citizen of Kazakhstan to feel the happiest in their native land! Be proud of your country, invest your soul and strength in it and live in peace and harmony! I wish every home and every family health and well-being, prosperity, tranquility and peace. Independence Day!