"Zhambyl Zhabaev - pride of the nation"

"Zhambyl Zhabaev-Pride of the Nation" artistic reading marathon was held at the Petropavl University of Construction and Economics. This event is aimed at supporting the reading of children and teenagers, which is taking place in the country "KAZAKHSTAN'S GENERATION OF READERS - 2021". The goal of today's poetry reading marathon is to teach the students to love and appreciate poetry by instilling the poetic talent of Zhambyl, the giant of poetry. students of the group read "Alatau", "Leningradtyk, orenim", "Osietim" etc. in Kazakh, Russian languages. Nurbakyt Sania 133 students of the group read Zhambyl's poem in Chinese.

A marathon of expressive reading "Zhambyl Zhabaev - ult maktanyshi" was held at the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economics College as part of the nationwide action "Reading generation of Kazakhstan - 2021". Students got acquainted with the facts from the life and work of Zh. Zhabaev, the main features of the poet's lyrics, read works in Kazakh, Russian. Nurbakyt Saniya, a student of group 133, read Zhambyl's poem in Chinese. Such events increase the reader's activity and culture of young people, introduce them to the knowledge and understanding of great literary works. An exhibition of the poet's books was organized in the college library.