Viktorenko Alexander Stepanovich - cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, honorary citizen of the North Kazakhstan region celebrates his 75th birthday today

Victorenko Alexander Stepanovich - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, honored citizen of the North Kazakhstan region is celebrating his 75th anniversary today. We wish Alexander Stepanovich to remain an energetic, kind and sensitive person. Give your loved ones a bright smile, set an example for our students. We thank you for your participation in raising the younger generation! Be healthy and happy!

Viktorenko Alexander Stepanovich - pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, honorary citizen of the North Kazakhstan region is celebrating his 75th anniversary today. We wish Alexander Stepanovich to remain the same energetic, kind, sensitive person. Give your radiant smile to your loved ones, set an example for our students. We are grateful to you for your participation in educating the younger generation! Be healthy and happy!