"The Greatness of Talent"

К юбилейной дате в читальном зале колледжа оформлена книжная выставка «Величие таланта», цель которой познакомить аудиторию с жизнью и творческой деятельностью великого казахского писателя Мухтара Ауэзова

M. Auezov is a collector, compiler and editor of post-revolutionary editions of the poet’s works, the first scientific biographer and researcher of the work of the great Kazakh poet and thinker Abay Kunanbayev. The writer dedicated a number of articles to him, a libretto for an opera, a film script, a tragedy and the epic novel “Abai’s Path” (1952). In 1959, M. Auezov was awarded the Lenin Prize for the novel. The work received worldwide recognition as one of the best novels of the twentieth century, and was translated into dozens of languages ​​of the people of Europe, Asia and Africa.

#125 let Mukhtar Auezov