bibl_vsek#Day of the venerable age

Dear representatives of golden and wise age, we congratulate you on the International Day of the Elderly and wish you long life, health and peace in your soul!

Уважаемые представители золотого и мудрого возраста, поздравляем Вас с Международным Днем пожилых людей и желаем Вам долгих лет жизни, здоровья и мира в душе!


Books that will share wisdom, experience, warmth, care and invaluable advice from the older generation.

Little happiness. How to live so that everything is fine

A. V. Kiryanova

📚Anna Kiryanova knows how to heal emotional wounds. The stories she tells delight and touch the heart, teach and inspire. This book contains the best stories about love, happiness and kindness.

Cozy people. Stories that make your soul feel warm. Anna Kiryanova.

📚Comfort is not a whim or a whim, but a powerful psychological protection, an effective remedy for adversity. If problems arise, it is a cozy atmosphere and equally cozy, family people nearby that will help you get through difficult times and maintain vitality. Is it possible to find love after betrayal? Comfort in the deepest grief? Finding your place in the world after losing everything.

Попутчица. Ольга Савельева.

📚Do you often encounter miracles in everyday life? Do you see goodness every day? These short stories contain so much love and tenderness, mercy and indifference that you involuntarily begin to see more goodness in people and believe in goodness. Each story is based on real events - it is life itself, consisting of little things, everyday life, conversations, looks and smiles, which gathers into a unique mosaic of characters and actions. There is a place for experiences, pain, selfless help, and, of course, love.

My Grandma's Secrets

I. S. Tikhonova

📚When I was young, I believed that listening to the advice of elders was not serious. But after some time, having learned from my own mistakes, I realized that the advice given to me by my beloved grandmother was truly priceless. Her recipes for beauty, health and longevity have been tested by many generations. Therefore, having collected them in one book, I want them to continue to help not only me, but also other people, passing from generation to generation.