Extra-curricular activities

Competition of videos and presentations "They fought for the Motherland!",
Competition of videos and presentations "They fought for the Motherland!",
Online procession of the Immortal Regiment
Online procession of the Immortal Regiment
Student essay competition
Student essay competition

The Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College hosted an essay competition among students “Friendship of Peoples - the Basis of Victory in Read more ...

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Competition of videos and presentations "They fought for the Motherland!",
Онлайн — шествии « Бессмертного полка»
Student essay competition
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Көшбасшы – Сардар» сайлауы
Ғалия Қамзақызы: Сәлеметсіздерме, құрметті сайысқа қатысушылар, серпіндіктер, әділ қазылар алқасы.
"Leader - Sardar" elections were organized within the walls of our college in order to increase the competitiveness and leadership qualities of the youth of Kazakhstan.
Let's invite candidates to the election!
1 candidate: Omarova Symbat
2 candidates: Sadiban Alimkhan
3 candidates: Kuanysh Abirkhair
The competition consists of two stages: 1st self-introduction, 2nd presentation of the election program. The regulation is 3 minutes. Election leaflets will be distributed to you in advance, you can put only one box on each leaflet. At the end of the contest, leaflets will be collected and your votes will be counted.
Let's send the sardars to prepare, and let's sing songs performed by Ikhlas!
Amanzholov Ikhlas - the song "Kazakh youth".
Candidate 1: Self-introduction of Omarova Symbat
Candidate 2: Self-introduction of Sadiban Alimkhan
Candidate 3: Kuanysh Abirkhair's self-introduction
KVN game
Candidate 1: Presentation of the election program by Omarova Symbat
Candidate 2: presentation of election program by Sadiban Alimkhan
3 candidates: Kuanysh Abirkhair's presentation of the election program.
Galia Kamzakovyna: Dear members of the revolution, the election leaflet has been distributed to you in advance. Please submit within 2 minutes. And now to sing before you!
Alimkhan's song "Kazagym".
The group sings the song "Atameken" together.
Presentation of election results.
On September 23, the "Leader - Sardar" election was organized in order to increase the competitiveness and leadership qualities of the youth of Kazakhstan at the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College.

The list of candidates for the election has been published.
1 candidate: Omarova Symbat
2 candidates: Sadiban Alimkhan
3 candidates: Kuanysh Abirkhair

The competition consists of two stages: 1st self-introduction, 2nd presentation of the election program. The regulation is 3 minutes. Election leaflets were distributed to students in advance, only one box can be placed on each leaflet. At the end of the contest, leaflets are collected and votes are counted.
"Kazakh Youth" was performed by Sardar Ikhlas.
Candidate 1: Self-introduction of Omarova Symbat
Candidate 2: Self-introduction of Sadiban Alimkhan

Candidate 3: Kuanysh Abirkhair's self-introduction

KVN game was presented to the audience.
Candidate 1: Presentation of the election program by Omarova Symbat.
Candidate 2: presentation of election program by Sadiban Alimkhan
3 candidates: Kuanysh Abirkhair's presentation of the election program.
The election leaflets were collected and the results announced.

Сайлау нәтижесінде «Көшбасшы-Сардар» деген атақ Садыбан Алимханға берілді. Алимхан өзіне қолдау көрсеткен студенттерге рахмет айтып, салтанатты түрде ант берді.
The group sang the song "Atameken" together.

19 қарашада, Петропавл теміржол колледжінде студенттік командаларының КВН фестивалі – «Серпін-2050» мемлекеттік бағдарлама өкілдерінің қатысуымен өтті.. Фестиваль – Қазақстан Республикасының Алғашқы Президент күніне арналған. Жеңімпаздар кубогына 4 команда қатысты: Петропавл құрылыс-экономикалық колледжі, СҚКПК командасы, Петропавл теміржол көліктер колледжі ж\е Есіл аграрлық колледж өкілдері.
The festival was held in three stages:
1 stage. Team presentations. In this competition, students present their teams
2 stage. Competitions of team leaders under the name "Kazakhstan Station". The contest featured a humorous monologue about a trip from the South to the North of the country.
3 stages. Musical and humorous scenes: "We are everywhere, like at home."
Бұл конкурста командалар өздерінің би ж\е вокалдан өнерлерін көрсетті – әндер айтылды, биледі, әрине әзіл сықақтар айтылды.
Each team was able to prove themselves at the highest level and in their own unique style.
The sold-out performance in the hall, which lasted more than two hours, creates an opinion that the humor was at the highest level. The teams were able to show their skills with all their strength, there was no empty space in the hall. The teams were evaluated by a competent jury, consisting of representatives of the Department of Education, leaders of student social organizations, and teachers of colleges.
According to the jury's opinion, the first place was won by the team of the Petropavlovsk Construction and Economic College. Congratulations, dear students!
According to the opinions of the guests and the jury, the festival went well. The festival has become an interesting and fun holiday. The festival brought joy to each of the participants and spectators.

"We are the generation of victory"

On May 5, 2016, in the Victory Park, students and teachers of the Petropavl Construction and Economic College participated in the solemn celebration "We are the generation of victory" and the ceremony of laying flowers on the Victory Monument was held. College students studying under the "Surge-2050" program "Eternal country youth to industry" took an active part in this celebration. The director of the college N.D. Ukhov congratulated the students on the victory day. Students laid flowers on the monument, remembered the victims of the war with a minute of silence, read poems, sang military poems. The performance of the poem "Katyusha" in his native language by Y. Amanzholov, a student of Ontist Kazakhstan, was memorable.