Science and New Technologies, "" Science and New Technologies "

November 30 - this day was held under the title "Science and new technologies", "Science and new technologies".
At 11.00 o'clock Shibanov N.N. with a group of students of PSEK took part in the regional forum of young technicians and innovators. The result of participation in the regional forum was the awarding of the student Egorov Yevgeny with a diploma of the 2nd degree "Automation, telemechanics, radio engineering and intelligent systems".
At 14.00 on November 30, a concert dedicated to the Day of the First President took place in the assembly hall of the college. At the concert, musical compositions, poems about the president were performed, the best employees and students were awarded diplomas and certificates.
At 15.20 the teacher Beisembina A.B. conducted a virtual tour of the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of this event was to acquaint students with the exhibits and work of the Museum of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
At 15.20 teacher Yeremochkina Yu.V. an oral magazine "The role of the First President in the process of the formation of the Republic of Kazakhstan as an independent state" was held. (photo #4)

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Ғылым және жаңа технологиялар»«Наука и новые технологии»